
To impart Quality education to our students to make our students confident, compassionate and competitive to face life’s challenges through value-based learning.


We, at P.B World School believe that children are precious to us and we will make them SMART

  • S- spiritually inclined.
  • M- Morally upright.
  • A- Ardent achievers.
  • R- Responsible citizens.
  • T- Thoughtful and tolerant towards all.


Long Term

  • To obtain 100% results in C.B.S.E.
  • owardsild good and SMART individuals.
  • To enable the students to effectively build and apply concepts.
  • To develop in students, the ability to communicate fluently in English.

Short Term

  • To monitor and improve the academic performance of weak students.
  • To instil a strong value system in the students.
  • Integration of Project based and Activity based teaching.
  • To focus on reading, speaking and writing in simple and correct English.